
Friday, 3 May 2019

My Weekend

In the weekend my 3 brothers and 4 sisters went to my cousins new house.

First, my aunty picked us up and drove us to there new house.Then my aunty left with 2 of my sisters to go do the shopping.While they were at pak'in Save me and my brother were playing fortnite together on a ps4 each, my brother was playing on my uncle's ps4 and I was playing on my older brothers ps4 in the next room.

 Next, my aunty got back from the shopping and all of us went to go and get it in.Then my other uncle came and then my other uncle came and then my mum came with a lot of food and lollies.Then my 3 older sisters were making dinner while the kids were playing on the 2 ps4's.

Finally,dinner was finished we all went on the table and ate rice,sausage rolls and pork. After eating dinner we had ice cream for our desert and then we all got our stuff ready and went back to our house.

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