
Thursday, 31 May 2018

The Living Planet Earth

The Living Planet Earth
Image result for earth gif
Inside Earth there are 7.442 BILLION people
and it is the third planet from the sun. Earth is
4.54 BILLION years old. Earth is the only
planet that has air and oxygen because of our trees.

Earth is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface.
It is the only planet in our solar system that has life.

The other seven planets in our solar system are
all named after Roman gods or goddesses.
Although only Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn were named during ancient times,  
they were visible to the naked eye. The
Roman method of naming planets was
retained after the discovery of Uranus and Neptune.

Earth was nearly formed about 4.6 BILLION
years ago and is mostly made out of rock. As
far as we know, Earth is unique from all from
all other planets in this respect and also light
from the sun takes 8 mins and 20 secs to reach
planet earth. My people and I are so lucky to be
living on planet EARTH.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Day and night

Earth takes 24 hours to make one complete rotation. If it is day at the South Pole that means the North Pole is Night. As Earth spins, sunlight only falls on one-half of the planet. This means it is daytime on that side of Earth. On the other side, it is night. This way, we have Day and Night. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Finacial Literacey

This week 4 people named Sasha, Chris, Jasmine and Lyndsey came in on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to teach us about Financial Literacy. We learnt about saving, borrowing and spending money as well as heaps of other fun things. My favourite thing was when we had to write how to protect our house contents and how we can minimise risk to our belongings. 

Thank you PwC. We appreciate you coming to Glenbrae School.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Pinomi Comic

We have been learning to look after our Chromebooks.

My holiday

In the holidays I went to Rotorua with my Aunty, Uncle, Cousin and Brothers. First, We were packing our bags with Toothbrushes, Under wear and Clothes. Then we drove to  Pack in Save to buy Ice cream, Meat, Chips, Lollies, Fruit and Drinks.

Next, we put all our things in the van and drove off to Rotorua, Then we stopped for a little break and we ate some fish and chips with some flavored mint milkshake.

Then, we carried on driving to Rotorua, Then we arrived at our hotel at Rotorua, When we got there we saw a pool so we put our togs on and ran to the pool and I was cannon balling.

After that, We were eating our meat for dinner and in our cab there was 2 bunk beds and 1 big bed for my Uncle and Aunty, I slept on the top with my brother and my other brother was sleeping at the bottom with my Cousin.

Finally, we all went to sleep and I wish  we could all go there again because it was fun and my favorite part was the pool.


Friday, 4 May 2018


1.Saturn is the second largest planet and is best known for its fabulous ring.
2.Saturn is the flattest planet
3.Saturn can been seen with a naked eye
4.Saturn takes 29 years to orbit the sun
5.Saturn's ring is made out of rock and ice
6.Saturn has 62 moons
7.Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft
8.Saturn I the dense planet in the solar system
9.Saturn is mostly made out of hydrogen
10.Titan is a moon with complex and dense nitrogen-rich atmosphere
11.Saturn’s upper atmosphere is divided into bands of clouds
12.Saturn has oval-shaped storms similar to Jupiter’s
13.Saturn is the father of Jupiter

14.Saturn was also the roman god of time