
Friday, 2 August 2019

Life cicle of an mosquito

All mosquito species go through four distinct
stages during their life cycle. Female mosquitoes
lay their eggs on the inner wet walls of the container
with water, Mosquitoes lay eggs 100 at a time.

Larva emerge from mosquito eggs, but only after
the water level rises to cover the eggs.Larvae
feed on microorganisms is the water. After molting
three times, the larva becomes a pupa.

After adult mosquitoes emerge. Male mosquitoes
feed on nectar from flowers and female mosquitoes
feed on humans and animals for blood to produce eggs.

After feeding, female mosquitoes will look for water
sources to lay more eggs. The mama mosquito will
go on the eggs until they hatch, once they hatch they
all crawl on the mama mosquitos back and stay there
until their fully developed.

Thursday, 1 August 2019


This, my learning buddy and I have been working on Finding fractions of numbers.

I feel amazed working out the fractions of numbers.