
Monday, 29 May 2017


Image result for density of water with eggWe did an experiment on Density.

Question:What happens when you drop an egg into ordinary water and an egg into salt water?

Observation: When i dropped the egg into ordinary water it sank to the bottom of the glass.
When i dropped the egg into salt water, it floated in the glass.
This happens because saltwater is denser or heavier than ordinary water. It was easier for the egg to float.

Friday, 19 May 2017

My Pet

Free photo: Dog, Pug, Training, Jumping, Breed - Free Image on ...My pet's name is Max and he is a bulldog and he is very cute.He is white, black and brown.Max has sharp teeth like a baby.He also has sharp claws like a baby tiger.

Max’s favourite thing to do is run around in circles to get dizzy.What's so special about him is that he listens to me and he plays with me a lot. Max also likes jumping when i throw the ball up and his favourite toy is his little teddy bear.
I love him so much.

Friday, 5 May 2017

My Holiday Experience

Image result for guardian of the galaxy 2During the holidays i went to the movies with my aunty to watch Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2 and the movie took 1 hour and 36 mins.

First thing we did was we bought popcorn, drinks, ice cream and our tickets.After that we had to wait in line to go into the cinema.

When we got in there we had to wait a little while for it to start. My favourite part was when the the two girls and the four boys were fighting the bad guys.

After the movie finished we went home and went to bed and i wish i could go back there because i had fun.

Clever Cats

This week we read a play about Clever Cats.

Image result for clever cats GIF

1.The author's purpose is that she's informing us that cats are clever, greedy and sneaky.

2. I think the author likes cats because she might have cats and they are clever.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Shape inforgrahic

Today, I worked with Aaliyahna to create this Shape Inforgraphic. It requires colours, shapes & words! I really enjoyed creating this, I hope you enjoy.